Saturday, September 29, 2012

More Fun in the Kitchen

Napa Cabbage -
who would have thought?

In my quest to increase leafy greens in my diet, I picked up a head of Napa Cabbage. OK - it's a bit pale but it's good for variety.
Here is what I did with it:
(I don't want to forget, that is why I'm posting it:) )

I cut (most) of it into 3/4" strips,

chopped a couple of stalks of celery and a bunch of green onions into tiny pieces
added a good handful of sunflower seeds

mixed it, then:
created a dressing of  extra virgin olive oil and Rice vinegar.
Mixed it well - then let it sit in the fridge for a while.

Delicious: the seeds and the celery add a bit of crunch to it. The rice vinegar (no sugar/salt) - is mild and pleasant.

The remaining piece of cabbage gets chopped and will be added to a soup to keep that interesting:)


  1. Cool! Love that recipe-- I have everything except the Napa cabbage. I will get some next time I go to town. I want to try this out! :)


  2. Thank you, Jehanne:)
    You can always ADD whatever else you have on hand...
    Cucumbers, celery would be nice.
